lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Self - evaluation.

The experience in this class has been very usefull for me, because I've improved my english, I practice much more. I like the alternative ways of teaching that were used in class, for example watching movies, or making a movie scene, are ways that are not ussually used by teachers to give a class.
What I didn't like about the class was when we listen some tapes that wasn't so interesting, and sometimes when we worked on the workbooks.

I've won a lot of knowledge, not only in the english lenguaje, but also in other subjects, like history by watching documentaries and other different tipes of activities.

I think I have a good pronunciation and my writing isnt bad. The point in wich I've shown more weakness is in the conjunction of time, for example wich is the past tense, etc.

I think I deserve a good grade because I've been constantly going to class and i've made all my assingments. I've participated in class activities with constancy.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

How are you unique, original, genuine, creative.

Im unique because there is no one like me in the whole universe. Im myself in every moment, I dont fake being someone else. Im unique also because there´s no one with my same DNA, nobody is like me.

Im original because I do the things I do thinking in what I want to do, not thinking in what other people want me to do or what they would think about my actions.

Im genuine because dont let that the things I do are influenced by any circumstances or proposals other people make me, the choices I take are because I think that they are the good ones.

Im creative because all I do is from my mind, all I think is my own thinking, is product of my creation. I can create anything if I pledge to do it, if I want to create anything I can do it. Thats why Im creative.

Why Colombians love Pablo Escobar?

I was interested in this topic because I know that Pablo Escobar was a huge criminal, that he murdered a lot of people, that he stole and that he was one of the biggest drug dealers of all times. So my doubt was why a lot of Colombians know Pablo Escobar as a hero, which is something, I didn’t understand until now. Now I know, despite that Pablo Escobar was a big criminal, he gave a lot of money, he built soccer fields, roads, villages and in many other ways helped the poor people in Colombia.

The information that I use to make the speech for my "tutoria" was took from a documentary produced by The History Channel called “Pablo Escobar - The King of Coke”. The documentary is very interesting and shows his ideals, the crimes, how he earns money and also his death.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Articles from 4 different links.

The Greenhouse Effect

greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process that aids in heating the Earth's surface and atmosphere. It results from the fact that certain atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, are able to change the energy balance of the planet by absorbing longwave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface. Without the greenhouse effect life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be a chilly -18° Celsius, rather than the present 15° Celsius.
As energy from the Sun passes through the atmosphere a number of things take place (see
Figure 7h-1). A portion of the energy (26% globally) is reflected or scattered back to space by clouds and other atmospheric particles. About 19% of the energy available is absorbed by clouds, gases (like ozone), and particles in the atmosphere. Of the remaining 55% of the solar energy passing through the Earth's atmosphere, 4% is reflected from the surface back to space. On average, about 51% of the Sun's radiation reaches the surface. This energy is then used in a number of processes, including the heating of the ground surface; the melting of ice and snow and the evaporation of water; and plant photosynthesis. The heating of the ground by sunlight causes the Earth's surface to become a radiator of energy in the longwave band (sometimes called infrared radiation). This emission of energy is generally directed to space. However, only a small portion of this energy actually makes it back to space. The majority of the outgoing infrared radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gases.

Taken from:

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is the heating of the surface of a planet or moon due to the presence of an atmosphere containing gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases, which include water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, are almost transparent to solar radiation but strongly absorb and emit infrared radiation. Thus, greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system. This mechanism is fundamentally different from that of an actual greenhouse, which works by isolating warm air inside the structure so that heat is not lost by convection. The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824, first reliably experimented on by John Tyndall in 1858, and first reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.
In the absence of the greenhouse effect and an atmosphere, the Earth's average surface temperature of 14 °C (57 °F) could be as low as −18 °C (−0.4 °F), the black body temperature of the Earth. Anthropogenic global warming (AGW), a recent warming of the Earth's lower atmosphere as evidenced by the global mean temperature anomaly trend, is believed to be the result of an "enhanced greenhouse effect" mainly due to human-produced increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Taken from:

The Greenhouse Effect...

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.

Taken from:

The Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of a planet as heat energy from sunlight is trapped by the gaseous atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide and water vapor increase this global warming effect. Solar Energy (sunlight) is short-wavelength radiation which easily penetrates the Earth's atmosphere and warms the Earth; only about one quarter of incoming sunlight is reflected by the atmosphere. The warmed Earth emits long-wavelength radiation (infrared waves or heat energy) back into space; these longer waves are mostly reflected back to Earth by the atmosphere. The size of the atmosphere in the illustration above is greatly exaggerated in order to show the greenhouse effect. Most of the Earth's atmosphere is within 10 miles (16 km) of the Earth's.

Taken from:

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

Contrast and Compare: Reality and Fantasy.

First I have to define what does reality and fantasy means. Wikipedia define reality as "the state of things as they actually exist". In a sense it is what is real. The term reality, in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. Reality in this sense includes being and sometimes is considered to include nothingness, where existence is often restricted to being (compare with nature). The same encyclopedia define fantasy as a genre that uses magic and other supernatural forms as a primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting. Fantasy is generally distinguished from science fiction and horror by the expectation that it steers clear of scientific and macabre themes, respectively, though there is a great deal of overlap between the three (collectively known as speculative fiction).
My point of view of these two aspects is that reality is the credible facts of history, what has happened, and fantasy is what people want to be. I think that people have to think in the reality because that is what we are living, we have to be awared about world's problems and not living in a fantasy world thinking everything is all right. People in Ecuador have to worried about the country´s problems and we have to work harder every day to make Ecuador a best country.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

40 points taken in class

  1. UFO´s proves are from many years ago.
  2. People describe what they understood and saw.
  3. In every case there is an explanation.
  4. In Egypt thirty five hundred years ago, three egyptians saw fire in the sky.
  5. At year twenty two, people saw a circle of fire un the sky.
  6. Alexander and his soldiers saw UFO´s.
  7. One of the UFO´s shot at the enemy and Alexander controll the city.
  8. Bible has been a collection if stories of aliens and UFO´s.
  9. Genesis describes conditions of the world in the begin of times.
  10. Bible use the term Giants (in the english translation), the correct term is Nepholim.
  11. Other Bibles quotes that are related to UFO´s are: Genesis 6, 4;
  12. Exodus 14 -21;
  13. Exodus 19- 18;
  14. Exodus 17- 2,1.
  15. If you want an explanation you need prove.
  16. In paints there are horses flying in the sky, now a days people interprets as UFO´s.
  17. In 1916 NASA build a model of a UFO.
  18. UFO´s influence in events of human history.
  19. Babilonians said that their civilization was made by people from heaven.
  20. The Egypt piramids are exacts.
  21. How the egyptians construct so perfects pyramids?.
  22. Hancock sais that is an extraordinaly technology feed.
  23. This is a great mistery.
  24. We are missing a huge part of human history.
  25. If we got back in time, we can discovered a lot of things about ourselves.
  26. In Bolivia there is another construction that can´t be explainded.
  27. It cannot be build without the intervention of a superior creature.
  28. We are looking at an evidence of technology that we don´t understand.
  29. Many drawings of animals and other creatures can be seen perfectly from the sky.
  30. People belive that they are messages.
  31. Ronald Story said that nobody know what they are for.
  32. At China there is another of these incredible constructions and figures.
  33. Freedman: we need an opened minded efort to analize the proves.
  34. At 1914 the skys where full of UFO´s in a lot of descriptions.
  35. Even astronauts saw them.
  36. At 1996 cientists said that live might exist in Mars.
  37. People see something in the sky and say: "Wow! it must be a extraterrestrial".
  38. It is very probable that we aren´t alone in this universe.
  39. They might know a lot about us, that we don´t know about them.
  40. All these questions can only been answered by direct face to face contact with them.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

EndGame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement.

The documentary is about the Bilderberg group, that is conformed by one houndred and twenty of the most powerfull families of all the world. Families like Rothschild, for example, who amassed his fortune through the financing of the Napoleonic wars, also the Rockefeller family, which prompted the establishment of the U.S. Federal Reserve. All this families meet and discuss world problems, using their influences and power. This New World Order that the Bilderberg Group is triying implement has the objective to controll all the world’s problems and desicions, they want to controll all the world´s population; they want to be a totalitary power in charge of the world.
Population has to react to this plan, because when they have total controll of the world, this could be very dangerous, because the Bilderberg Group are going to want all the power, and are going to make desicions that only benefits themselves. In some countries, the goverment, are implementing chips on all the identifications, that is a new system of controll, the citizens now that the chips are made to locate them, to know every movement they do so goverment can have more controll in their lives. The people sovereignty is been destroyed by this acts of tirany and abuse of power, the liberty is been violated.
Population have to be educated and formed in a way of reject to this abuse of power and influence. This Bilderberg Group is compound by people with a lot of money, so they don’t need more money, what they want is power. They are implementing systems of education so that childrens are formed in a way that the Bilderberg Group want to be, so that they have the mentality to be controlled by this group.
The Bilderberg Group is implementing a plan to reduce the world’s population, because it would become easier to controll less population. The estimated reduce is planted to be from six billion of people to one billion of population. They are using radioactive products to alterate the genes of the people so thay reproduce in a restricted way, because of this many people die and others live with genetics problems. They are influencing in some goverments to create policis that every family can only have one children, like in China.
The Bilderberg group wants to become the new world goverment, that will have the controll of each continent, each country, each person of all the world; they want all the power concentated in the Bilderberg Group. They have people in each one of the worlds organizations so to make the desicions on their convenience. If any crisis, desease introduced to the enviroment, or any other problem happen to the worls, don’t be surprised that is a desicion of the Bilderberg Group.
Let the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity prevail on every goverment and on every nation.

25 notes taken in class

  1. Heart desease and cancer are the top two deseases that cause death in the USA.
  2. Let the food be the medicine.
  3. Every doctor recive a basic learning of nutrition.
  4. Modern medicine resolves every ill with a pill.R
  5. Almost every food that you find in a supermarket has been procesed.
  6. With all the pesticides the food is not healthy.
  7. Many tipes of food have a lot of minerals and vitamins that can help us to live longer.
  8. We spend our money on material things in stead of using it for buying healthy food.
  9. Many people, because of the rush, buy fast food that is not healthy for the organism.
  10. Spirulina is a very good suplement of food.
  11. Spirulina contains protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and photosynthetic pigments.
  12. Racism violent the equality.
  13. People have to be seen in an equal way, regardless the sex, race, and all the factors that make people treat diferent to others.
  14. Sexism violent the equality.
  15. The animals are awared of the world´s problems.
  16. Animals are seen, by some people, like a thing that provide us food and cloth.
  17. One of the ways that animals can help the human is by providing company.
  18. 25 million of animals become homeless every year.
  19. Most of these animals die because of deseases.
  20. Euthanasia is the quickest and less painless way to die for the homeless animals.
  21. Animals are killed also in a cruel way.
  22. People have to make concience that animals are living things and they also suffer.
  23. Speciesism involves assigning different values or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership.
  24. People have to be more invloved with the animals and protect them like there were part of our family.
  25. Organizations have to create ways to make the cases of homeless animals reduce.