jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

How are you unique, original, genuine, creative.

Im unique because there is no one like me in the whole universe. Im myself in every moment, I dont fake being someone else. Im unique also because there´s no one with my same DNA, nobody is like me.

Im original because I do the things I do thinking in what I want to do, not thinking in what other people want me to do or what they would think about my actions.

Im genuine because dont let that the things I do are influenced by any circumstances or proposals other people make me, the choices I take are because I think that they are the good ones.

Im creative because all I do is from my mind, all I think is my own thinking, is product of my creation. I can create anything if I pledge to do it, if I want to create anything I can do it. Thats why Im creative.

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